Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Smoking Sign

You never see signs that say, "Smoking"

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Art and Music

So this weekend I accomplished a few things. I started and finished some art work on top of finishing a piece I've been working on for a while. You can see my art work here
The "Erik's Warrior" is what I've been working on.
Also this weekend, I made 2 songs. One I've been working on and one I kind of just threw together. They're both drum beats with a xylophone in the mix. I recorded the xylophone tones myself and threw them into a looping program.
If anyone's interested in hearing them, let me know and we'll arrange it.


I place this poison in my body everyday
I don't know why
I don't want to
But I trick myself into thinking that I need to
It's an addiction that plagues me
It doesn't make me feel any better
It's no good for me
Is it what I put in my body that is the poison,
Or is it the addiction itself that is the poison?

Friday, January 23, 2009

Switching Off

I feel emotionless
I feel like an explosion of emotions
I think,
I just want to turn off my emotions towards people
Like a switch
it's become to express myself
Broken hearted at the dream
My dream
Tired of dealin' with other peoples shit
Few are worth it
I needn't jump in face first
Not with this
Not with my dream

I feel emotionless
I feel emotionless
I feel like an explosion of emotions
I'm an explosion of emotions
I'm going to explode
Or implode
One or the other,
I need to let it happen
So I can shine again
So I can feel again

I choose implode
if any,
Or should I say
Break apart,
And crumble into
A pile of rubble

I'm just so tired;

The dust will clear,
And I'll be able to see
Clearer then ever before

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Cocaine's one hell of a drug

So I received a phone call out of the blue this morning from a long time friend that I haven't talked to in quite a while.
(We'll call him Johnny, as in Johnny Depp for his amazing role he played in the movie Blow)
So the back story on Johnny is he was dabbling in the white powder for a little while in the near past. It was no secret. We had talked about it around the time he was dabbling and I told him I couldn't tell him what to and what not to do with his life, but I told him to be careful. So after that I didn't really hear from him for a while but last I had heard, he was clean. Clean for about a month at the time. Whether this was the truth or partial truth, I don't know.
He ended up losing his truck to the bank, due to the fact that he was missing payments. And it was a nice truck. Well it's obvious he wasn't making payments because he had a coke problem. Then I received that call from him this morning. I won't go into too much detail, but indirectly, because of cocaine, he now lost his job. Fortunately for him, his boss said he can come back in a month and get his job back if he can pass a drug test.
So you're wondering, if he's clean like he says, then why doesn't he just take a drug test now? Well you can't pass a drug test when you smoke pot everyday.
So for Johnny's sake, I hope he can realize there's more to life then getting high. And I told him that this morning. As he put it, I hope he can get the train back on the tracks.
"Well why didn't you help him with his problem?" you may ask. Well I wish I could have, but as much as I'd like to, I can't fight everyone's battles for them. And one must want help before one can accept and receive help.
Overall, a huge part of me feels really bad for him because his life basically fell apart on him. It's a sad thing. He had a lot going for him. I just hope he can pick up the pieces and put it back together.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Meeting New People

So in response to Topic Thunder, I was told to blog about my favorite moment of today. This was yesterday but I didn't get a chance to blog yesterday. So this will be for yesterday but it can roll over into today.
So my favorite moment yesterday was meeting someone new. I won't go into detail since it wasn't in "real" life, but getting to know people is so fascinating. I love it. It gives you the opportunity to look at the world from a whole new perspective as well as learn new things and come across unheard wisdom. And if you continue to get to know someone you just met, it's....adventurous to see if they become a liability or an asset...or are just there. Don't get me wrong. I don't look for whether someone will be a liability or an asset in life. But it is true. You can benefit from knowing people, or you can lose an empire from knowing people. But this isn't my point.
My point is meeting new people is one of the best things about this adventure called life. I think some people should make it a point in their lives to meet new people. Granted it isn't for everyone. But it's amazing how much they would learn if they would just try. My point is I made a new friend and it was my favorite part of the day (and it rolls over into today because it's ongoing).

Monday, January 19, 2009

Topic Thunder

I'm in need of a topic to blog about on here. I'm open to any suggestions and whatever is given to me I'll blog about. Preferably something of some intelligence. Example of an unintelligent blog topic: poop.
I look forward to blogging for you.